Thursday, December 11, 2008


I'm going to tell you a story, It first started as a nice day.   Lets all go out side" said mother. Ok" said the kids and Dad. As they went they notice that it was getting dark then really dark and darker and darker till it was as dark as space. Is this a tornado"? ask Daisy one of the cute girls. Yes" said Mom slowly. Then they ran in side. But there was a problem they didn't have a basement. but luckily they had a room that had no windows, and was down stairs. when it was over the whole family was safe. And since they were Christian's they thanked God for his help. And guess what? that night they had no night mar's. 

Dizzy ride

I'm in the mountains. I'm going to tell you about my ride. Well first I went to the car when we where in the mountains I had to go round and round in circles. I had a headache but thanks to God I was safe. When Marianne and I got with Grandma Grandpa it was another long ride. But now we are very safe. Grandma is hoping it will stop raining.   

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

16 sheep

One nice day there where sixteen sheep, There names where, Jessica Isabel Karin Max Sarin Hannah William Rachel Paul E.d John Jake Jack Mack Chase and Blake. They where very bored so they went inside and saw there Mom cooking "If you eat all your food you can have chocolate pudding" she said. "Ok Mom"they said. "Hey I know" said Max. "Lets play Sheep or Deep. Ok" said everyone. But there's a problem, Jessica does not like that game. Why"? Isabel Asked. Because she always loses" said Max. Well games are just for fun" said Isabel. Kids" "Hey moms calling us lets go eat". When they were done they were sent to bed. It was only 8: 00. And they usually went to bed at 9:00.  Well, Before they could ask why they found themselves in bed. They already brushed there teeth and put on there pj's. So they went to bed and dreamed all the fun things they did. You have a good day you have good dreams.     

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Sara and Linda

One day There was a girl named Sara, she loved to play with her best friend,Linda. One day the best thing was going to happen. Sara was going to go to Linda's house! When Sara got to Linda's house she ran inside. She looked in the living room but Linda was not there. She looked at in the bathroom but Linda was not there. She looked in the bedroom and there was Linda, but she was sick. She was coughing and sneezing a lot. So Sara dicidid to  give Linda a present. But she didn't know what to give her. She couldn't buy something because she didn't have any money. But she thought and said " I know I will make a present" so she made a picture for Linda. And when Linda  saw the picture she said that she already felt better cause that picture was so beautiful. And then they got to watch a movie and eat lots of popcorn.   

Friday, December 05, 2008

Things I did

I visited Santa Claus, not that I actually went to the north pole I just saw him at the mall. My sister, Marianne was scared of Santa Claus, but she was brave enough to stand buy him. Sometimes Santa Claus is scary and big. Oh and I forgot to say thank you to my Grandma, Because she remind me about that. And I went on the pink pig, now not a real pig just something that is fun to ride on. And when you go on the pink pig in the back you go throw the back there is a wonderland. And there are lots of surprises. And my Mommy let me and Marianne help her doctorate the Christmas tree! And my Mommy doctorates the house. And right now I am writing on my blog, of course. But before I did this I was looking at and toys r us on my laptop. And I have 30 dollars, and there so much things that I can buy my Mommy said That she might take me to the mall tomorrow, Thats why I'm looking at things that I might getting a present but the thing is nobody knows yet who it is going to be for. My Mommy said I might get 56 or 57 presents, and my sister 45 or 46 presents. And Daddy said he might get 1,000 presents:>.        

Thursday, December 04, 2008


Last night I had yummy, S'mores! Inside, you are maybe asking how do you make S'mores inside? Well in the microwave or stove. And you need to know, S'mores are the yummiest food in the world!!!!!!!! If you have tried something good it is not as good as S'mores. I'm right S'mores or the best food in the world.