Tuesday, December 09, 2008

16 sheep

One nice day there where sixteen sheep, There names where, Jessica Isabel Karin Max Sarin Hannah William Rachel Paul E.d John Jake Jack Mack Chase and Blake. They where very bored so they went inside and saw there Mom cooking "If you eat all your food you can have chocolate pudding" she said. "Ok Mom"they said. "Hey I know" said Max. "Lets play Sheep or Deep. Ok" said everyone. But there's a problem, Jessica does not like that game. Why"? Isabel Asked. Because she always loses" said Max. Well games are just for fun" said Isabel. Kids" "Hey moms calling us lets go eat". When they were done they were sent to bed. It was only 8: 00. And they usually went to bed at 9:00.  Well, Before they could ask why they found themselves in bed. They already brushed there teeth and put on there pj's. So they went to bed and dreamed all the fun things they did. You have a good day you have good dreams.     

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