Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tropical Rain Forest

Good morning teacher and classmates. My name is Brittany padilla Morales. Today I am going to talk about the tropical rain forest.

The tropical rain forest is one of the most beautiful environments on the planet. There are more different typs of plants and animals in the tropical rain forest than any other environment combined. Today I will be talking about worms, monkeys, tigers, and eagl's as well as fruit tree, canopy trees, bromeliads, and mushrooms.

Worms are mostly found on the ground where there is rich soil. They create tunnles in the ground wich allows air and nutrients to mix, benefiting the plants growing there. Worms are also food for birds and other animals

Monkeys live in the trees. They are very intelligent and live together in families. They eat leaves, fruits, seeds, nuts, flowers, eggs, and small animals including insects and spiders.

Eagls sore around the trees to stay away from eneiems. They dive down to the ground to catch there pray. They eat sloths,monkeys, and other small mammals.

Tigers are found anywhere they can find food. Tigers eat monkeys, birds, rabbits, fish, and other animals. Tigers are predators and hunt their prey alone.

Fruit trees provide food and shelter for the animals in the rainforest. Tropical rainforest contain a wide variety of fruit trees. Some fruits that can be found include banannas, oranges, coconuts,and mango.

Canopy trees can grow to 120 feet. They provide shelter to the animals of the rain forest. The also provide shade which pevents the forest below from growing too dents.

Bromeliads are a kind of tropical plant with leaves like a pineapple. Some bromeliads, such as spanish moss, grow on other trees. Otherssuch as pineapples store water in a tank at the bace of there leaves.

Mushrooms are found on the forest floor.A Mushroom is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of fungus, typically produced above ground on soil or on its food source. Some mushroom are used as medicine,and others are used for food.

The animals that live in the rainforest have learned to eat the foods and live in the shelter that the rain forest provides. This makes the rainforest the perfect place for these animals environment. Most of them would not survive outside of it.

Thank you for your attention and have a good day.


Denise said...

That is a fantastic speech. I'm glad we heard you give part of it. I hope you will give the whole speech for us one of these nights. Good job!!

Jim said...

Excellent! Very nice work. How did you get so smart?