Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Today my mommy and I where eating breakfast.  And we heard a funny sound. It was coming from up stairs. Then my mommy went up stairs to see what it was. And she saw my bunny, Loopy playing with his  ball. He was throwing his ball. So I ate my cereal  and went to school when I was done with school I did my choirs. And right now I'm walking Loopy that's boring. My sister Marianne is playing and I don't now what else. So I will just go see later. But right now I'm writing in my blog. Its fun to have my own web site. My sister thinks she has one but she doesn't have one. So I'll finish my blog soon so I can play. And other stuff like sing. And right my sister Marianne is saying its hot and its hot its hot.  And I I'm tired of hearing that. 

1 comment:

Denise said...

I didn't know that bunny rabbits could throw a ball. That sounds like fun. Can't wait to meet Loopy. Have fun at school today.